

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Spinach Lasagna

Spinach Lasagna


30g butter
20 g flour
600ml milk
1 onion
1 bay leaf
1 clove
6 stalks tarragon
200 g fresh goat cheese
500g spinach heads
150 g cherry tomatoes
80 g dried figs
75g Parmesan
9 lasagna sheets


1. 20 g Melt butter in a saucepan. Add the flour and sauté, with stirring for 30 seconds at a low heat. Fill with 300 ml of milk and stir. Gradually pour in the remaining milk and bring to a boil while stirring. Lard onions with bay leaf and cloves, giving the béchamel sauce and season with salt and pepper. Boil for 15-20 minutes over medium heat. Pluck tarragon leaves and chop coarsely. Take from the onion sauce and spread the sauce through a fine sieve. Goat cheese and dissolve with stirring in the sauce. Stir in tarragon. Season the sauce with salt, pepper, nutmeg and 1 pinch of sugar. Cool the sauce.

Clean, wash and carries a 2 minutes in boiling salted water 2. spinach. Removing deter, and express. Chop spinach coarsely and season with salt and pepper. Cherry tomatoes into quarters. Finely dice the figs. Finely grate the Parmesan.

3. A rectangular baking dish (30 x 20 cm) thin fat with the remaining butter and line with 3 lasagna sheets. Spinach, béchamel and lasagna sheets alternately monolayer and sprinkle with figs. Finish with lasagne sheets, béchamel, figs and tomatoes. Spread cheese on top. Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees (gas 2-3, convection oven 160 degrees) bake 35-40 minutes on the middle rack.

4. Tip: Our lasagna tastes good with fresh figs. Since they are less sweet than dried, you need including about 100 g.

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